X-MEN SECOND COMING #2 - This is it. The finale of the best crossover event of the year. The shocking events of X-Force #28 lead into the end of Second Coming. Will Hope fulfill her destiny? And just what is her destiny anyway? Whether we find out or nor, don’t miss the end of this classic story arc.
SUPERMAN #701 - “Grounded”, JMS’ first Superman story arc kicks off as Superman returns to Earth after his long stint on New Krytpon. How has the War of Supermen affected his legacy? JMS has delivered a slew of amazing Brave & the Bold stories for DC, and re-crafted Spider-man and Thor for Marvel. Pick-up the issue everyone will be talking about!
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #637 - The Grim Hunt comes to a smashing finish. Who will survive the final battle between the Kraven family and the Spyder-line? What started with the Gauntlet will end in tragedy… but for who?
AVENGERS ACADEMY #2 - The first issue of Avengers Academy started out just a little better than average, but with a shocking turn became “must read”... now let’s see if Christos Gage (Avengers Initiative) & Mike McKone can make that “twist” stand-up and carry a series.
INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #28 - The “Stark: Resilient” story arc continues as we are drawing ever closer to the confrontation between Team Stark and Detroit Steel. Invincible Iron Man has made a quick rebound from the moribund “Stark: Dissembled” to reclaim its place as one of the best comics on the racks.