Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hot Picks! New Comics for July 21, 2010

BATMAN BEYOND #2 - Pick up this comic and read the best Bruce Wayne story that will come out all month! I don’t think ANYONE expected the first issue to be as good as it was. Old school (and medium-whipper-snapper school) fans of the Batman Beyond tuned in out of nostalgia and were treated to a very good story that is part of a continuing effort to bring Terry McGuinness’ future into the DCU multiverse.

BATMAN: STREETS OF GOTHAM #14 - The sequel to Hush begins here! Tommy Elliot (Hush) has been masquerading as Bruce Wayne, under the “watchful eyes” of Team Bat. Yeah, whoever thought that was a good idea is about to find out how wrong they were…

SPIRIT #4 - So far, there has been one quality series in the First Wave line, the Spirit. The first story arc concluded last issue. David Hine takes over the second arc, with a back-up story by Marv Wolfman. Moritat’s artwork (who remains from the first series) has been one of the high points of the book. Hopefully Hine can keep the pulp-feel to Central City and her characters.

AVENGERS #3 - Time is broken in the Marvel Universe. The Avengers and Kang are right in the middle of it. Various alternate realities are all coming to a head… as it’s “title line” this has been a very well executed series for the Heroic Age Avengers.

ULTIMATE COMICS AVENGERS 2 #5 - With the Ultimate Avengers, Millar & Yu have re-connected with the “feel” of what made the Ultimate universe great. Classic Marvel heroes in a more gritty, modern sandbox. Ultimate Avengers 1 was good. Ultimate Avengers 2 has been even better (with only Hawkeye & Fury from the original Ultimates).