ACTION COMICS #890 - Paul Cornell and Pete Woods take over the reins of Action Comics! Lex Luthor, the ORANGE Lantern (!) returns! The long, long, long War of the Supermen/Krypton II story is over! The perfect time to take a quick trip through Metropolis!
FLASH #3 - Surprisingly, the Flash has been the best thing to come out of Blackest Night. Time-travel has always been a hallmark for the Barry Allen Flash, this first story arc grabs that tradition and runs with it!
WONDER WOMAN #600 - Hot on the heels of last week’s Superman #700, JMS and company get set to wrap old Wonder Woman business and re-launch the Amazon Princess. Another great “jumping on” point for folk who may have strayed away from the everyday comings and goings of Paradise Island. Expect this to be a potpourri of short stories, with JMS prologue to his upcoming run anchoring the bunch.
INVINCIBLE IRON MAN ANNUAL #1 - One word: The Mandarin. Okay, you got me, that was two words. The Mandarin is to Iron Man what Dr. Doom is to the Fantastic Four, what Lex Luthor is to Super Man, what Grant Morrison is to cogent storytelling. Save paper-comics, rush out and buy this book. Slated to be the first same day print-same day digital Marvel comic, the Invincible Iron Man Annual explores the man behind the 10 rings.
SECRET AVENGERS #2 - Follow Steve Rogers’ super-secret covert task-force as they try to find out what the dastardly Roxxon is up to on Mars. You know they aren’t up to any good. Last issue Rogers lost contact with the Avenger he sent to Mars to investigate (Nova) and in true, “never leave a man behind” fashion, the Secret (shhh) Avengers are on the case.