Spider-Man practically takes over the Marvel Universe and your friendly neighborhood new comics rack this week appearing in TWO new Amazing Spider-Man issues, Web of Spider-Man, Amazing Spider-man presents: Black Cat and the New Avengers. Wow, talk about a full slate. Make sure you pick up BOTH Amazing #633 & #634 this week! It's not a hoax! Not a dream! Both are NEW!!!
DC UNIVERSE LEGACIES #2 - DC Universe Legacies #1 was surprisingly good. In fact it was so good that #2 made the Hot Picks list!
SPIRIT #3 - Two issues in, the Spirit is still the best of DC’s “First Wave” line. Mark Schultz and Moritati have delivered a “pulp” adventure with a pleasant and unique flair.
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #633 - Zeb Wells & Chris Bachallo bring the conclusion to the “Shred” (Lizard) story arc and wraps up the longest prologue in history (the Gauntlet). Okay, I don’t know if it’s really the longest prologue in history, but Amazing #633 leads right into the Grim Hunt and at long last all the machinations that have been going on behind the scenes will come to fruition. Boy I can’t wait for Amazing Spider-Man #634 to come out!!!
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #634 - The wait is over!!! The Grim Hunt begins! Kravens! Spider-Man! Madame Web! The Gauntlet has been leading to this! You can’t miss it! Joe Kelly & Michael Lark embark on this long-in-the wings story arc.
NEW AVENGERS #1 - What do Wolverine, the Thing, Luke Cage, Ms. Marvel and Spider-Man all have in common? I don’t know either. If Cage is supposed to be in charge of this head-strong bunch and the Thunderbolts, he needs to ask for a raise! But wait there’s more… a Dark Avenger rounds out the ranks of these New Avengers. And no doubt, Bendis & Immonen have a story to tell too.